The MP Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana has been launched by the government of Madhya Pradesh. MP Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana allows farmers to get up to 70% subsidy on protecting their crops from animals. We are all aware that around 40% of field crops of farmers get damaged due to attacks by wild and stray animals, and it is considered a considerable damage and loss to the farmers that is now covered under the MP Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana. The Madhya Pradesh government, along with the horticultural department of Madhya Pradesh, provides subsidies to the farmers that enable them to install wire fencing around their fields.
Benefits of MP Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana
- The crops of the farmers will now be protected.
- Subsidies are provided to the farmers to install fencing around their crop fields.
- 50% to 70% of subsidies are provided by the government and horticulture departments.
- It allows farmers to earn more profit and adequate money to live their lives successfully.
Purpose of MP Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana
The main objective of this scheme was to provide subsidies to the farmers so that they could keep their crops safe from wild and stray animals. This amazing decision was taken because farmers were unable to earn a good amount of money because of the crop damage. We all know that the farmers in India suffer a great crop loss due to the attack of wild animals, but due to high expenses, they can’t even go for fencing. So, the government of Madhya Pradesh took the initiative and launched the MP Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana. Under this scheme, the government provides subsidies on wire fencing to the farmers so that they can keep their farms fenced.
- To avail the benefits of this scheme, the applicant must be a resident of Uttar Pradesh.
- Only small and marginal farmers of the state will be eligible to apply for the scheme.
- It is mandatory to have land in the name of the applicant farmer.
- The applicant farmer must have a bank account linked to an Aadhaar card.
Documents Required
- Aadhar card
- Address proof
- income certificate
- land documents
- Bank account details linked to Aadhaar
- mobile number
- passport size photo
How to Apply
If you want to apply for Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana then you will have to wait for a while. Because the application process for the scheme has not been started by the government. Initially this scheme was planned to be implemented only in the Bundelkhand region of the state but now it is being implemented in the entire state.
The state government wants to end the issue of protection of crops from animals before the Lok Sabha elections. The draft of the scheme has been prepared by the Agriculture Department and will soon be sent to the Cabinet for approval. After getting the approval, the scheme will be implemented in the entire state and applications for the scheme will be started soon.
As soon as the applications for CM Khet Suraksha Yojana will be started, we will explain its complete process in this article. You keep visiting our site from time to time.
Important Links
Contact Details
Who can apply in this Scheme?
Only the citizens of MP are eligible to apply in this scheme.
Is Aadhar Card Required for this Scheme?
Yes Aadhar Card Required for this Scheme.
How to Find Other Government Schemes?
Go to our website’s search section and then search with the scheme name.
Is Bank Account details required for this Scheme?
Yes Bank Account details required for this Scheme?
Is Passport size photo required for this Scheme?
Yes Passport size photo required for this Scheme?
The ridges of the fields will have solar fences constructed as part of this plan. The state administration is getting ready to put this program into action this year during the Rabi crops on a trial or pilot basis. The main objective of this scheme was to provide subsidies to the farmers so that they could keep their crops safe from wild and stray animals. This amazing decision was taken because farmers were unable to earn a good amount of money because of the crop damage.
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