Everything To Know About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as breast enhancement or enlargement, is a procedure to increase your breast size. Breast augmentation before and after can be performed on women of all ages. It is often performed for reconstructive reasons after cancer treatment or following pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What is breast augmentation?

It is a surgical procedure to increase the size and shape of your breasts. The implants are placed behind the breast tissue, usually under or over the pectoralis major muscle—the large muscles that run along the front of your chest wall.

The type of implant you choose will depend on your desired outcome and anatomy. You can also decide whether to place your implant under or over the chest wall. The latter option gives you more natural-looking breasts, but there’s a risk of rippling around the edges that is greater with subglandular implants because they are closer to the surface of your skin.

If you have significant breast asymmetry, your surgeon may recommend an implant placed in only one breast. It can improve symmetry while helping balance weight distribution throughout both sides of your body.

Why would you get this?

There are many reasons why women undergo breast augmentation before and after. If you feel that your breasts are not as large or full as they should be, or if your breast size has changed since having children or losing weight, this can help you achieve the look you desire. It is also effective when one breast is larger than the other.

If you have been considering getting a procedure like this but need to know where to start, it’s essential to understand what exactly happens during this kind of surgery and why it’s possible in the first place.

Who chooses breast augmentation?

· Women with small breasts who wish to increase the size of their breasts.

· Women with large breasts who wish to decrease the size of their breasts.

· Women who have lost breast volume after pregnancy or weight loss want to regain that fullness in their breast contour.

· Women who want to change their breast shape from tubular and droopy to full and perky or from wide-set to closer together on the chest wall (known as “cleavage”).

How is it performed?

It is performed under general anaesthesia. This means that you will be asleep during surgery and won’t feel any pain during the process. However, you will still feel discomfort when your breasts are massaged in preparation for the implants.

Your surgeon will make an incision around your areola (the darker skin around each nipple) and gently massage your breast tissue to create a pocket for the implant. Next, they’ll place an implant beneath or behind your breast tissue, depending on the results you’re going for. They’ll stitch up the incision while ensuring all bleeding stops before closing it completely.

· Aftercare instructions: You may experience swelling or bruising after surgery; this should go away within a few days as long as you follow the doctor’s orders about caring for yourself at home.

· Recovery time: Most people return to work 2-5 days after having their breasts augmented with saline gel implants.

What will you look like after the procedure?

The results are immediate and permanent. You will have a natural-looking, long-lasting impact that’s safe for your body and self-esteem. The implant comprises silicone gel, which feels more natural to the touch than saline implants.

Silicone gel also has better consistency than saline, providing a more natural feel during physical activity or wearing clothes that fit tightly against the skin.


It is a procedure that can help you feel more confident about your body and boost your self-esteem. It’s important to remember that this is a decision best made with the help of an experienced plastic surgeon who can educate you on all of your options and guide you through every step of the process.